Types of Liposuction procedure and how to prepare for the procedure
Liposuction is a surgical procedure of vacuum sucking and the removal of excess fats in some parts of the body. Some of the body parts do not respond even after doing the exercises. Some have tried to use diet to reduce the fat but these fats remain dangling giving a shapeless body. The remaining alternative is to go through the liposuction procedures. Some are done due to health abnormalities like breast gynecomastia– a condition of enlarged glands in men.
The procedure is mainly done to hips, breasts, buttocks, abdomen, thighs, and neck.
Tumescent Liposuction
Tumescent liposuction is the most used procedure by surgeons.
In this procedure, water and salt, lidocaine, and epinephrine are injected at the section to be treated. Epinephrine is for constricting blood vessels, lidocaine for making the part numb to relieve the pain, and water with salt helps in removing the fats. The mixture is injected making the section swell and become stiff.
A cut is made at the swollen section, and a cannula connected to the vacuum is used to suck the fluids and fats. The procedure has less blood loss.
Power-assisted Liposuction
Power-assisted liposuction is a procedure used when the surgeon needs to remove a large volume of fats. The cannula moves faster round in circles. The vibrating cannula helps the surgeon to suck a large volume of fats. It causes less swelling and pain which makes it easier for the surgeon to suck more fats. The surgeon prefers the procedure if there was another previous liposuction minneapolis.
Laser-assisted Liposuction
Laser-assisted liposuction is a procedure where the laser fiber is inserted down a small cutting in the skin. The laser uses high energy to break down the fats, emulsifying the fat deposits which are then sucked using a cannula.
Ultrasound-assisted Liposuction
During this procedure, a metal rod is inserted under the skin which releases some ultrasonic energy. The energy breaks down the cell walls of the fats making it easier to remove the fats.
Procedure Process
Before the procedure is done, the surgeon marks areas by making lines or circles on the areas that will be part of the treatment.
The surgeon chooses the treatment procedure according to how you want it achieved.
During the procedure, local anesthesia ( a drug that makes the body numb) is administered at the specific part of the body. Local anesthesia prevents you from feeling intense pain. Some procedures require general anesthesia( temporary unconsciousness) to make you calm. In some cases, drugs called sedatives are used to make you sleep relaxed and calm.
As the procedure continues, blood oxygen, heart rate, and blood pressure is keenly monitored.
The procedure may take several hours to be completed.
After the procedure, some pain and swellings are expected. To that effect, you are given some painkillers to relieve the pain.
The incisions are left open and temporary drainage is made to drain the excess fluids. At this stage, you are supposed to wear tight clothes to compress and reduce the swellings.
It takes few weeks to go back to normal activities. You might experience some abnormal lines as the remaining fats resolve into position.
The treated part of the body should appear less bulky after several weeks. Liposuction maintains skin firmness after aging compared with normal skin. It is long-lasting when the weight is maintained.